Collection: Amanda Dobbratz - Featured Artist

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Amanda Dobbratz graduated from The Glasgow School of Art in Glasgow, UK, with a Masters in Research in Creative Practice. Previously, she received a BFA in Studio Art from the University of Wisconsin–Stout. Amanda was a 2015 Anonymous Potter Studio Fellow at Northern Clay Center, was lead artist of an Artists Invite Artist residency at Watershed in 2019, was a MakerSpace demonstrating artist at NCECA 53rd annual conference in Minneapolis, and will be a guest artist at the 29th Annual 2021 Saint Croix Valley Pottery Tour in May 2021. Amanda’s work can be found in galleries around the country including: Northern Clay Center (Minneapolis, MN), Lillstreet Gallery (Chicago, IL), The Clay Studio (Philadelphia, PA), LUX Center for the Arts (Lincoln, NE), and in the permanent collection of the Everson Museum of Art (Syracuse, NY). She currently works as Northern Clay Center’s Marketing & Technology Manager.


Red clay is more fun and harder to mess up. I handbuild to escape round pots, yet still make round pots. I find the most beauty and joy in the slightly absurd and faintly ridiculous. I believe that more is more. High and low culture are best mixed. It takes practice to make it look like you’re not trying. Patterns are my language. I pine for the desert and hoard old fabric. Making art is work and I like it that way. Rules help me think less and be more free. Sometimes it’s all about aesthetics. It doesn’t matter if you don’t get my jokes. My work is deadly serious, and I take it seriously.

Find Amanda’s Artaxis page:

FindAmanda's Instagram: @adobbratz


** Amanda Dobbratz's Artaxis Shop has ended. You can find more work available for sale by visiting the other Featured Artist collections HERE


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